Tag Archives: Atmel

This robot makes PB&J sandwiches just like mom

Hey bot, make me a sandwich! 

Ever since it made its debut at Y Combinator’s Demo Day back in August, we’ve been keeping a close eye on Bistrobot— a sandwich-making robot.


With hopes of one day expanding into more stores and dining establishments, the Bistrobot was recently installed at Andi’s Market right here in San Francisco. The automated machine crafts peanut butter sandwiches on white bread with your choice of honey, blackberry jam, sweet chili or chocolate sauce. Earlier demonstrations have even included Nutella.

“It’s already much faster than traditional methods, and we’re working to make it cleaner and more consistent,” founder and CEO Jay Reppert recently told us. “For me personally, the coolest part about Bistrobot, and why I’m working on it, is because I think robots are awesome and this is a way for more people to share in something really cool without having to spend a lot of money,”


How it works is pretty straightforward. For just $2, a customer places an order on a tablet kiosk and then watches through its transparent plexiglass enclosure as the robot creates their sandwich.

And we agree, PB&J is the most simple sandwich around, but when a robot is the chef, things get a bit more interesting. The Bistrobot team notes that it’s easy to change around the menu, making the device even more versatile and appealing to commercial users. Impressively, the robot can produce 300 sandwiches an hour — that equates to five per minute.

While Bistrobot may still be in its infancy, we definitely look forward to seeing what the future holds. Until then, you can watch it in action below! (You may also want to check out fellow Y Combinator grad TeaBOT, which as its name would imply, is an automatic tea-brewing machine.)

A first look at Maker Faire Rome 2015

As the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Makers do!” 

It seems like yesterday that we were at the New York Hall of Science preparing for what was surely an incredible World Maker Faire 2015. And now just a few weeks later, the Atmel crew has arrived in Rome, all set to kick things off at the Sapienza University campus.


Once again a Silver Sponsor of this year’s show, you’ll find several startups and Makers who’ve successfully demonstrated what it takes to go from “the MakerSpace to the MarketPlace.” In addition to big names like Bosch, those inside the Atmel booth will include:

Acme Systems


Acme Systems designs and manufactures Linux-embedded boards, namely the Arietta G25 system-on-module with an Atmel AT91SAM9G25 at its core. One project in particular that you’ll want to check out is the team’s open source LED panel that interacts with a smartphone over Wi-Fi.



A crowd favorite back at World Maker Faire, Arduboy is an open source, credit card-sized console that lets people play, create and share their favorite 8-bit games.



As seen on Indiegogo, Intoino‘s KITS provide a simple way for young Makers to learn coding and electronics while bringing their connected projects to life.



In case you missed them at Maker Faire Bay Area 20151Sheeld magically transforms your smartphone into one of 40 different reconfigurable Arduino shields.



Cosino is an open source platform comprised of flexible, easy to-use hardware and software components. The team will be showing off their latest projects based on the Cosino (SAM9G35) and Cosino Enigma (SAMA5D3) CPU modules along with their carrier boards and other GNU/Linux embedded systems.



Everyone’s favorite teenage CEO and whiz kid, Quin Etynre will once again be on hand with Qtechknow’s Arduino-compatible board, the Qduino Mini. But that’s not all, you’ll even be able to snap a black and white selfie in his thermal printer photo booth!



Heck, even major brands are tapping into the powers of the Maker Movement! Escaping dangerous dark or smoke-filled structures quickly is crucial for the firefighters who save thousands of lives on a daily basis. Tailored for those situations, Bosch will be demonstrating a prototype of their indoor navigation device that’s built around the mighty Arduino and BNO055.

Atmel implements Intel EPID technology on all SmartConnect wireless solutions

Atmel is collaborating with Intel on EPID technology to enable more secure IoT applications.

Atmel is working with Intel to bring more secure Internet of Things applications to market. In this collaboration, Atmel will support Intel Enhanced Privacy ID (Intel EPID) technology on all Atmel SmartConnect wireless solutions to improve secure cloud provisioning — the mutual authentication of the IoT node with the cloud — in the rapidly growing IoT market where devices are becoming increasingly more connected.


With tens of billions of devices anticipated by 2020, security is surely one of the most critical components to enabling a seamless connection between the edge node and the cloud. To accomplish this, Atmel offers a complete portfolio of IoT solutions that combine both Atmel | SMART MCUs along with SmartConnect wireless technologies ranging from Wi-Fi, 802.15.4 and Bluetooth, and other secure products. This newly-announced effort will give developers implementing these wireless solutions the option to use the trusted Intel EPID identification standard in their next gizmo or gadget.

“Implementing Intel EPID offers IoT designers a truly seamless edge-to-cloud Internet of Things platform with proven security options available with our broad Internet of Things portfolio,” said Kaivan Karimi, Atmel’s Vice President and General Manager of Wireless Solutions. “With this new technology, Atmel’s SmartConnect wireless and IoT solutions now support Intel EPID, a security technology that has been proven over the last 5 years.”


For those who may not know, Intel EPID is an ISO standard for identity and privacy that has been shipping in Intel platforms since 2011. The technology delivers a hardware root of trust and is PKI compatible. With Intel EPID, devices can be identified and a secure communication can be linked between these devices. Additionally, the group membership can be determined without revealing the identity of the specific platform allowing for another level of security. Intel EPID can dynamically assign and revoke group memberships by individuals. Even more, this technology meets the latest protected key delivery requirements for content and data protection protocols.

“With the rapidly growing IoT ecosystem, security is key, and Intel EPID is a proven secure technology that can provide the billions of devices in this new market with a common security foundation. By implementing Intel EPID technology, Atmel is enabling a more secure, seamless IoT platform,” explained Lori Wigle, Intel’s General Manager of IoT Security.

Billions of chips, unlimited possibilities

Vegard Wollan reveals that there are now more AVR chips in the wild as there are people in the world. (Note: A loose translation from Adressa’s recent article.)

Though the slogan “Enabling Unlimited Possibilities” may not be the most modest as they come, why should it have to be? Especially when your company, whose heritage has ties to Trondheim, is at the forefront of the incredibly popular and ever-evolving IoT innovation battle.


Vegard Wollan, AVR co-founder and VP of Atmel’s Touch Business Unit, had the chance to catch up with local Trondheim newspaper Adressa to discuss some of his team’s latest developments. One in particular, the maXTouch family of touchscreen controllers provides unprecedented hover and proximity capabilities, where a user no longer is required to touch the display, but instead triggers different functions by simply holding their finger right above it.

Just the other night, several Atmel employees in Trondheim came together to celebrate not only their commitment to the local community but an impressive milestone, namely 7,338,088,583 AVR chips. To put that figure into perspective, that is at least one MCU for each person on Earth.


“It’s insane! We have the increasing ability to top what we’ve done previously,” Wollan says. “We have been doing this for 20 years and have never had such high production as we do now. In 1999, we thought it was giant milestone to pass 10 million. Now, we have produced 7.3 billion and create about one billion units a year.”

The figure is almost as impressive as the customer list of “little” Atmel Norway, and its tight-knit team of just under 200 employees. Wollan highlights a few of the top tier brands powered by the stalwart microcontrollers, which include some of the largest and most recognizable names out there today. Among those are Google, Microsoft, Bosch, Sony, Samsung, LG, General Motors, Ford, Jaguar and Tesla.


“And this is just an excerpt. When we started the company in 1995, we dreamed about getting some big customers such as LG or Sony or Mercedes or what not. And now we have this list! So it’s really what we are celebrating and we are madly proud of,” Wollan adds.

Another focus as of late has been on China, and the next generation of gizmos and gadgets coming out the country where Atmel has played an integral role in their development, most notably ZTE and Xiaomi. While both of these manufacturers may not be the most globally known brands (yet), they have contributed millions of smartphones to the consumer market — many of which based on Atmel solutions.


“Our customers in China have now launching new phones with new technology from us. We have developed a whole new edge-free design for smartphones, so you get the larger screen without the phone being bigger. The screen goes absolutely to the edge with virtual edge buttons without the buttons here. You hold such phone as a camera and phone camera turns on. And pressing your index finger on the top right hand side on, and you take a picture,” Wollan explains.

One of the coolest projects worth mentioning is a recent collaboration with global music sensation, Coldplay, who commissioned the help of the Trondheim team. Wollan goes on to laughingly reveal, “It’s a little funny that one of our engineers have been in the practice room with Coldplay to test our technology.”

Through wireless connectivity, Coldplay has been able to transform its sold-out crowds into brilliant canvas of colorful LEDs, all while providing greater engagement amongst its fans. As concertgoers enter the arena, they are given a flashing bracelet that can be remotely controlled from any PC and pulse to the rhythm of the band’s music.


“You had to see the whole place light up in flashing, multi-colored bracelets. When we saw it from the stage, we could not believe we had managed to achieve this. It is about everyone, not just about the band and the fanatical folks at the stage, but all of us become part of the show by having a small armband.”

Wollan shares that Atmel is continuing to develop its initiative with Coldplay, but cannot go into more detail at this time. During the celebration of the company’s achievement the other night, employees were even given a chance to experience the wireless wearable devices as they waved their arms to the beat of some tunes.

Intrigued? You can tune-in to the entire segment here!

Creating realtime IoT dashboards and maps with PubNub

EON is an open source JavaScript framework for creating beautiful realtime dashboards, charts and maps.

The realtime publishing and streaming of data is a key component of the Internet of Things, especially when it comes to tracking and monitoring connected devices. We need a way to easily collect, detect, and distribute data as it’s created or changes, and immediately have it be received and acted upon.

There are several great frameworks for bringing data to life: D3.js, C3.js, WebGL, the list goes on. However, the missing component is how to deliver and reflect changes in that data in realtime, a vital requirement of the ever-growing IoT. Whether you’re streaming sensor data to a dashboard, monitoring device(s) health, or tracking a fleet of vehicles on a live-updating map, delivering the data in realtime is essential.

With this in mind, PubNub wanted an easier way to stream data to create beautiful IoT dashboards, charts, and maps. And so, the team built Project EON, an open source Javascript framework. EON not only enables you to build these dashboards and maps, but stream the raw JSON data to them as well.

iot maps and geolocation

Let’s check out the details! Then we’ll show you EON in action, using an Atmel MCU (because what’s better than connecting hardware and software?).

Realtime Charts and Dashboards for Connected Devices

The charting and graphing component of EON is based on C3.js, an open source charting library. This allows you to build realtime line, bar, pie, gauge, and donut charts. When new data is streamed, transitions are animated and changes are reflected in realtime — no manual refreshing required!

These charts are especially useful when it comes to monitoring and displaying data from Internet of Things connected devices, and gives you flexibility on how you want to display that data.

EON bar, pie, and gauge charts

EON bar, pie, and gauge charts

IoT use cases include:

  • Home automation: Temperature readings, power usage and consumption for individual devices
  • Connected car: RPMs, state of fleet of vehicles, analytics on vehicles including gas usage, capacity, or money earned, vehicle telemetry
  • Industrial and factory: Oil field sensor readings, brewery analytics (eg. pressure, capacity), factory statistics

Mapping for Connected Vehicles and Wearables

Realtime maps are a staple of any connected transportation application. For applications on the move, you need a way to track movement and current location.

The mapping and geolocation component of EON is based on Mapbox, a series of APIs and tools for building custom maps. Give EON a marker icon (bus, train, plane, person), and a geolocation. When the geolocation is updated, the market animates and travels to the new location.

EON maps for bus systems, aircrafts, and wearables

EON maps for bus systems, aircrafts, and wearables

IoT use cases for live-updating maps include:

  • Connected car, fleet management and public transportation: navigation, taxi/rideshare dispatch based on proximity, collect and publish road conditions, hailing and fare calculation for car services, monitor and calculate route and arrival times for public transit
  • Wearables: navigation and tracking, fitness applications
  • Air and sea: track and monitor location of aircraft and sea craft for consumer travel, freight, and delivery.

In Action: Atmel MCU Realtime Temperature Sensor

So let’s see EON and the Internet of Things working together!

Our demo application is a realtime temperature sensor built using an Atmel | SMART SAM D21 Xplained Pro and a temperature sensor. The concept is fairly simple, we collect the data using the Atmel sensor, and stream it in realtime to a live dashboard, where the temperature data is displayed as it changes.

That streaming and visualization is EON at work. And with some CSS added on, we have something that looks like this:


Just think, this is just a simple demonstration. Imagine having hundreds or even thousands of these sensors spread across a region, all collecting and streaming that data to a single dashboard. Or even a single sensor streaming to hundreds of dashboards, all simultaneously.

The use cases are endless, and it really comes down to collecting data, streaming data, and visualizing that data. And that’s where EON does the work.

To learn more about the Atmel Realtime Temperature Sensor demo, check out our full tutorial and code repository, or watch the video below.

Building a realtime temperature sensor with Atmel and PubNub

PubNub’s Bhavana Srinivas demonstrates how to build a realtime temperature sensor with PubNub and Atmel.

With the buzzword being Internet of Things (IoT), PubNub recently wanted to build something simple, yet powerful, that could extend beyond the hackerspace and be applied to the real world. It had to combine software and hardware, and allow people at home to build it and try it themselves.

Arduino came to mind, but seeing as though the team has already written a great deal of realtime tutorials using the Arduino board, they sought out to try something a bit different. Instead, the group decided upon employing Atmel | SMART SAM D21 Xplained Pro and PubNub to devise a realtime temperature sensor.

Project Overview

The Atmel temperature sensor monitors temperatures and streams the data to a live-updating dashboard, in realtime, anywhere in the world. The temperature sensor measures the ambient temperature and publishes it as a data stream to a channel via the PubNub Data Stream Network. A web browser that subscribes to this channel displays the data stream on a live visualization dashboard.

The Concept


  • The Atmel I/O1 Xplained Pro sensor measures the ambient temperature.
  • This connects to the Wi-Fi using the ATWINC1500 module.
  • The PubNub code running on the Atmel chip enabled the team to publish the temperature in realtime to anyone subscribing to the same channel as a data stream.
  • Through the PubNub Developer Console, you can receive this stream of information from as many sensors as you like in realtime.

What Will You Need?




  • Windows PC
  • To get your unique pub/sub keys, you’ll first need to sign up for a PubNub account. Once you sign up, you can get your unique PubNub keys in the PubNub Developer Dashboard. PubNub’s free Sandbox tier should give you all the bandwidth you need to build and test your messaging app with the web messaging API.
  • Install Atmel Studio 6.2
  • Install updates to Atmel Studio as suggested during installation
  • Install terminal software like putty or teraterm

A prerequisite is that you upgrade the firmware for SAMD21 using the .bat file provided with the PubNub Atmel example before you run this demo. Make sure no other software like putty or teraterm is using the com port). Close Atmel Studio and the putty terminal. The firmware upgrade is successful if you see a PASS sign on the terminal after running the code.

Connecting the Hardware, the Right Way


  • Connect WINC1500 XPRO board to SAMD21 XPRO connector EXT1
  • Connect I/O1 XPRO board to SAMD21 XPRO connector EXT2
  • Connect OLED1 XPRO board to SAMD21 XPRO connector EXT3
  • Connect SAMD21 XPRO to a free USB port on your PC (make sure no other USB port on your PC is in use)
  • Connect the power to the port that says “DEBUG USB”

The Software

Open the PubNub example: pubnubAtmel/PubNub_EXAMPLE.atsln (included in the code download) in Atmel Studio and you will see the following page. Make sure you choose the debugger/programmer and interface as shown below.


Include the following lines in pubnubAtmel/src/main.h:

#define TEST_MODE_SSID “Enter-your-SSID” (choose THE Wi-Fi access point you want the chip to connect to)
#define TEST_MODE_PASSWORD “Enter-the password-for-the-SSID” (enter the password for the same Wi-Fi connection)

In pubnubAtmel/src/main.c, add the channel name and pub, sub keys.


Build (F7 / Build -> build solution), run(continue/ green arrow/ F5/ debug -> continue).


Open PubNub Developer Console, use the same channel name and pub,sub keys as in the code and SUBSCRIBE.If all is well, you should see a constant stream of messages in the following format: {“columns”:[[“temperature”,”55.00″]]}


From there, the PubNub crew was able to collect and stream temperature data in realtime. But what’s next, you ask? Well, they needed to do something with that data, right? Visualize it!

Visualizing the Data Stream


Bhavana and the PubNub bunch didn’t just want to display raw data off the sensor as a live-updating number; instead, their partner-in-crime Tomomi built the beautiful temperature visualization, which mocks nursery or greenhouse monitor (a typical realworld use case for realtime temperature sensors).

The interface runs in the browser, and the technology behind is quite simple, using PubNub JavaScript APIs to subscribe the data sent from the Atmel chip. It’s simple, lightweight, built entirely in JavaScript, and accessible from anywhere in the world with any kind of device – mobile phones, tablets, and any smart device, as long as you have a web browser. The main purpose behind this is to present information in most efficient manner without losing its accuracy.

In this scenario, the UI shows the current temperature, also a simple line graph, updating in realtime so that you can tell the relative changes of the temperature, raising and dropping. This particular data is simple, but when you have multiple, more complicated data, data visualization plays more crucial role.

Go Conquer IoT

This demo is read-only and reads the ambient temperature, but in reality, you want to develop products that lets your users monitor and control, i.e, bidirectional communication between devices. For instance, if you have a smart A/C, not only monitoring the current room temperature, but you need to make it controllable from a remote devices.

“With the power of PubNub APIs, you can achieve this with no hassle. I hope I am leaving you guys with enough excitement to try this demo out, and also build cooler ones,” Bhavana concludes.

In the meantime, be sure to follow our friends at PubNub and Bhavana Srinivas on Twitter!

The CryptoCape is the BeagleBone’s first dedicated security daughterboard

The CryptoCape extends the hardware cryptographic abilities of the BeagleBone Black.

With the insecurity of connected devices called into question time and time again, wouldn’t it be nice to take comfort in knowing that your latest IoT gadget was secure? A facet in which many Makers may overlook, Josh Datko recently sought out to find a better way to safeguard those designs, all without hindering the DIY spirit. The result? The CrytpoCape — which initially debuted on SparkFun last year — is a dedicated security daughterboard for the BeagleBone that easily adds encryption and authentication options to a project.

Generally speaking, cryptography offers a solution to a wide-range of problems such as authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation, according to Datko. SparkFun notes that the $60 Atmel powered cape adds specialized ICs that perform various cryptographic operations, amplifying a critical hardware security layer to various BeagleBone projects.

The CyrptoCape is packed with hardware, including 256k EEPROM with a defaulted I2C address (plus write protection), a real-time clock (RTC) module, a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for RSA encryption/decryption, an AES-128 encrypted EEPROM, an ATSHA204 CrypoAuthentication chip that performs SHA-256 and HMAC-25 and an Atmel ATECC108 tasked with the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).

“You will also find an Atmel ATmega328P microcontroller and a large prototyping area available on the board. The ATmega is loaded with the Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V bootloader and has broken out most of the signals to surrounding pads,” its SparkFun page reveals.

Beyond that, each easy-to-use CryptoCape comes with pre-soldered headers making this board ready to be attached to your BeagleBone right out of the box. The only additional item a Maker will need to get the CryptoCape fully-functional is a CR1225 coin-cell battery.

Interested? You can check out the product’s official SparkFun page here. Meanwhile, those looking to learn more should also pick up a copy of Datko’s book entitled “BeagleBone for Secret Agents.” The third chapter of the resource is devoted to the CryptoCape where Makers will learn how to combine a fingerprint sensor, the on-board ATmega328P, and the crypto chips to make a biometric authentication system.

Which Arduino board is right for you?

Picking an Arduino is as easy as Uno, Due, Tre! 

Thinking about starting a project? See which Arduino board is right for the job.

Arduino Uno

This popular board — based on the ATmega328 MCU — features 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, USB connection, power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.


The Uno does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features the ATmega16U2 (ATmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.

In addition, Revision 3 of the Uno offers the following new features:

1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. Note: The second is not a connected pin.
Stronger RESET circuit.
  • ATmega16U2 replace the 8U2.

Arduino Leonardo

The Arduino Leonardo is built around the versatile ATmega32U4. This board offers 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, microUSB connection, power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.


The Leonardo contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. Plus, the ATmega32U4 offers built-in USB communication, eliminating the need for a secondary processor. This allows it to appear as a mouse and keyboard, in addition to being recognized as a virtual (CDC) serial / COM port.

Arduino Due

The Arduino Due is an MCU board based on the Atmel | SMART SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU.


As the first Arduino built on a 32-bit ARM core microcontroller, Due boasts 54 digital input/output pins (of which 12 can be used as PWM outputs), 12 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), an 84 MHz clock, USB OTG capable connection, 2 DAC (digital to analog), 2 TWI, a power jack, an SPI header, a JTAG header, a reset button and an erase button.

Unlike other Arduino boards, the Due runs at 3.3V. The maximum voltage that the I/O pins can tolerate is 3.3V. Providing higher voltages, like 5V to an I/O pin, could damage the board.

Arduino Yún

The Arduino Yún features an ATmega32U4, along with an Atheros AR9331 that supports a Linux distribution based on OpenWRT known as Linino.


The Yún has built-in Ethernet and Wi-Fi support, a USB-A port, a microSD card slot, 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, microUSB connection, an ICSP header and 3 reset buttons. The Yún is also capable of communicating with the Linux distribution onboard, offering a powerful networked computer with the ease of Arduino.

In addition to Linux commands like cURL, Makers and engineers can write their own shell and python scripts for robust interactions. The Yún is similar to the Leonardo in that the ATmega32U4 offers USB communication, eliminating the need for a secondary processor. This enables the Yún to appear as a mouse and keyboard, in addition to being recognized as a virtual (CDC) serial?COM port.

Arduino Micro

Developed in conjunction with Adafruit, the Arduino Micro is powered by ATmega32U4.

The board is equipped 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, microUSB connection, a ICSP header and a reset button. The Micro includes everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a microUSB cable to get started. The Micro even has a form factor that lets the device be easily placed on a breadboard.

Arduino Robot

The Arduino Robot is the very first official Arduino on wheels. The robot is equipped with two processors — one for each of its two boards.


The motor board drives the motors, while the control board is tasked with reading sensors and determining how to operate. Each of the ATmega32u4 based units are fully-programmable using the Arduino IDE. More specifically, configuring the robot is similar to the process with the Arduino Leonardo, as both MCUs offer built-in USB communication, effectively eliminating the need for a secondary processor. This enables the Robot to appear to a connected computer as a virtual (CDC) serial?COM port.

Arduino Esplora

The Arduino Esplora is an ATmega32u4 powered microcontroller board derived from the Arduino Leonardo. It’s designed for Makers and DIY hobbyists who want to get up and running with Arduino without having to learn about the electronics first.

The Esplora features onboard sound and light outputs, along with several input sensors, including a joystick, slider, temperature sensor, accelerometer, microphone and a light sensor. It also has the potential to expand its capabilities with two Tinkerkit input and output connectors, along with a socket for a color TFT LCD screen.

Arduino Mega (2560)

The Arduino Mega features an ATmega2560 at its heart.

It is packed with 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. Simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Mega is compatible with most shields designed for the Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila.

Arduino Mini

Originally based on the ATmega168, and now equipped with the ATmega328, the Arduino Mini is intended for use on breadboards and projects where space is at a premium.


The board is loaded with 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 8 analog inputs and a 16 MHz crystal oscillator. It can be programmed with the USB Serial adapter, the other USB, or the RS232 to TTL serial adapter.

Arduino LilyPad

The LilyPad Arduino is designed specifically for wearables and e-textiles. It can be sewn to fabric and similarly mounted power supplies, sensors and actuators with conductive thread.

The board is based on the ATmega168V (the low-power version of the ATmega168) or the ATmega328V. The LilyPad Arduino was designed and developed by Leah Buechley and SparkFun Electronics. Readers may also want to check out the LilyPad Simple, LilyPad USB and the LilyPad SimpleSnap.

Arduino Nano

The Arduino Nano is a tiny, complete and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328 (Arduino Nano 3.x) or ATmega168 (Arduino Nano 2.x).

The Nano has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove, but in a different package. It lacks only a DC power jack and works with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard one. The board is designed and produced by Gravitech.

Arduino Pro Mini

Powered by an ATmega328, the Arduino Pro Mini is equipped with 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 8 analog inputs, an on-board resonator, a reset button and some holes for mounting pin headers.


A 6-pin header can be connected to an FTDI cable or Sparkfun breakout board to provide USB power and communication to the board. Note: See also Arduino Pro.

Arduino Fio

The Arduino Fio (V3) is a microcontroller board based on Atmel’s ATmega32U4. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 8 analog inputs, an on-board resonator, a reset button and holes for mounting pin headers. It also offers connections for a lithium polymer battery and includes a charge circuit over USB. An XBee socket is available on the bottom of the board.

The Arduino Fio is intended for wireless applications. The user can upload sketches with an a FTDI cable or Sparkfun breakout board. Additionally, by using a modified USB-to-XBee adaptor such as XBee Explorer USB, the user can upload sketches wirelessly. The board comes without pre-mounted headers, facilitating the use of various types of connectors or direct soldering of wires. The Arduino Fio was designed by Shigeru Kobayashi and SparkFun Electronics.

Arduino Zero

Last year, the tandem of Atmel and Arduino debuted the Zero development board – a simple, elegant and powerful 32-bit extension of the platform. The Arduino Zero board packs an Atmel | SMART SAM D21 MCU, which features an ARM Cortex M0+ core. Additional key hardware specs include 256KB of Flash, 32KB SRAM in a TQFP package and compatibility with 3.3V shields that conform to the Arduino R3 layout.


The Arduino Zero boasts flexible peripherals along with Atmel’s Embedded Debugger (EDBG) – facilitating a full debug interface on the SAMD21 without the need for supplemental hardware. Beyond that, EDBG supports a virtual COM port that can be used for device programming and traditional Arduino bootloader functionality. This highly-anticipated board will be available for purchase from the Arduino Store in the U.S. on Monday June 15th.

Arduino AtHeart

The Arduino AtHeart program was specifically launched for Makers and companies with products based on the open-source board that would like to be clearly identified as supporters of the versatile platform. The program is available for any device that includes a processor that is currently supported by the Arduino IDE, including the following Atmel MCUs:

Participants in the program include startups like:

EarthMake – ArLCD

The touchscreen ArLCD combines the ezLCD SmartLCD GPU with the Arduino Uno.


Bare Conductive Touch Board

The ATmega32U4 based Touch Board can turn nearly any material or surface into a sensor by connecting it to one of its 12 electrodes, using conductive paint or anything conductive.


Blend Micro

The RedBearLab integrated dev platform “blends” the powers of Arduino with Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy into a single board. It is targeted for Makers looking to develop low-power IoT projects in a quick, easy and efficient manner. The MCU is driven by an ATmega32U4 and a Nordic nRF8001 BLE chip.


littleBits Arduino Module

The fan-favorite Arduino module, which happens to also be based on an ATmega32U4, lets users easily write programs in the Arduino IDE to read sensors and control lights and motors within the littleBits system.


Smart Citizen Kit

An Arduino-compatible motherboard with sensors that measure air composition (CO and NO2), temperature, light intensity, sound levels, and humidity. Once configured, the Smart Citizen Kit is capable of streaming data collected by the sensors over Wi-Fi.


What’s ahead this year in digital insecurity?

Here’s a closer look at the top 10 cyber security predictions for 2015.

In 2014 worries about security went from a simple “meh” to “WTF!” Not only did high-profile attacks get sensational media coverage, but those incidents led to a pivotal judicial ruling that corporations can be sued for data breaches. And as hard as it is to believe, 2015 will only get worse because attack surfaces are expanding as mobile BYOD policies overtake enterprises, cloud services spread, and a growing number of IoT networks get rolled out. Add m-commerce, e-banking, and mobile payments to the questionable tradition of lax credit card security infrastructure in the U.S. and you get a perfect storm for cybercrime.

In fact, 92% of attacks across the range of segments come from nine basic sources (seen in the diagram below), according to Verizon. More numerous and sophisticated cyber crimes are anticipated for this year and beyond.


 1. More companies to get “Sony’d”

2014 saw the release of highly-evolved threats from criminals that in the past only came from governments, electronic armies and defense firms. A wide-range of targets included organizations in retail, entertainment, finance, healthcare, industrial, military, among countless other industries. As a repeat offender, Sony is now the cyber-victim poster child, and the term “Sony’d” has become a verb meaning digital security incompetence. Perhaps Sony’s motto should be changed from “make.believe.” to “make.believe.security.” Just saying!

Prior to 2014, companies on a wholesale basis tended to simply deny cyber vulnerabilities. However, a string of higher profile data breaches — such as Sony, Heartbleed, Poodle, Shellshock, Russian Cyber-vor, Home Depot, Target, PF Chang’s, eBay, etc. — have changed all of that. Denial is dead, but confusion and about what to do is rampant.

2. Embedded insecurity rising

Computing naturally segregates into embedded systems and humans sitting in front of screens.  Embedded systems are processor-based subsystems that are “embedded” into other machines or bigger systems.  Examples are routers, industrial controls, avionics, automotive engine and in-cabin systems, medical diagnostics, white goods, consumer electronics, smart weapons, and countless others.  Embedded security was not a big deal until the IoT emerged, which will lead to billions of smart, communicating nodes.  15 to more than 20 billion IoT nodes are being forecast by 2020, which will create a gigantic attack platform and make security paramount.

IoT Installed

A recent study by HP revealed that 70% of interconnected (IoT) devices have serious vulnerabilities to attacks. The devices they investigated consisted of “things” like cloud-connected TVs, smart thermostats and electronic door locks.

“The current state of Internet of Things security seems to take all the vulnerabilities from existing spaces — network security, application security, mobile security and Internet-connected devices — and combine them into a new, even more insecure space, which is troubling,” HP’s Daniel Miessler stated.

Issues HP identified ranged from weak passwords, to lack of encryption, to poor interfaces, to troubling firmware, to unencrypted updating protocols. Other notable findings included:

  • 60% of devices were subject to weak credentials
  • 90% collected personal data
  • 80% did not use passwords or used very weak passwords
  • 70% of cloud connected mobile devices allowed access to user accounts
  • 70% of devices were unencrypted

Investigators at the Black Hat Conference demonstrated serious security flaws in home automation systems. At DEFCON, investigators hacked NFC-based payment systems showing that passwords and account data was vulnerable. They also revealed that the doors of a Tesla car could be hacked to open while in motion. Nice! Other attacks were exploited on smart TVs, Boxee TV devices, smartphone biometric systems, routers, IP cameras, smart meters, healthcare devices, SCADA (supervisory, control and data acquisition) devices, engine control units, and some wearables. Even simple USB firmware was proven to be highly vulnerable… “Bad USB.”

These are just the tip of the embedded insecurity iceberg. Under the surface is the entire Dark Net which adds even more treacherousness. Security companies like Symmantic have identified home automation as a likely early IoT attack point. That is not surprising because home automation will be an early adopter of IoT technologies, after all. In-house appliances also represent an attractive attack surface as more firmware is contained in smart TVs, set top boxes, white goods, and routers that also communicate. Node-to-node connectivity security extends to industrial settings as well.

Tools like Shodan, which is the Google of embedded systems, make it very easy for hackers to get into the things in the IoT.  CNN recently called Shodan the scariest search engine on the Internet. You can see why since everything that is connected is now accessible. Clearly strong security, including hardware-based crypto elements, is paramount.

 3. More storms from the cloud


It became clear in 2014 that cloud services such as iCloud, GoogleDrive, DropBox and others were rather large targets because they are replete with sensitive data (just ask Jennifer Lawrence). The cloud is starting to look like the technological Typhoid Mary that can spread viruses, malware, ransomware, rootkits, and other bad things around the world. As we know by now, the key to security is how well cryptographic keys are stored.   Heartbleed taught us that, so utilizing new technologies and more secure approaches to maintain and control cryptographic keys will accelerate in 2015 to address endemic cloud exposure. Look for more use of hardware-based key storage.

4. Cyber warfare breaks out

eBay, PF Chang’s, Home Depot, Sony, JP Morgan, and Target are well-known names on the cybercrime blotter, and things will just get worse as cyber armies go on the attack. North Korea’s special cyber units, the Syrian Electronic Army, the Iranian Cyber Army (ICA), and Unit 61398 of the People’s Liberation Army of China are high profile examples of cyber-armies that are hostile to Western interests. Every country now seems to have a cyber-army units to conduct asymmetric warfare. (These groups are even adopting logos, with eagles appearing to be a very popular motif.)


Cyber warfare is attractive because government-built malware is cheap, accessible, and covert, and thus highly efficient. Researchers have estimated that 87% of cyber-attacks on companies are state-affiliated, 11% by organized crime, 1% by competitors, and another 1% by former employees. Long story short, cyber war is real and it has already been waged against non-state commercial actors such as Sony. It won’t stop there.

 5. Cybercrime mobilizes

According to security researchers, mobile will become an increasingly attractive target for hackers. Fifteen million mobile devices are infected with malware according to a report by Alcatel-Lucent’s Kindsight Security Labs. Malvertising is rampant on untrusted app stores and ransomware is being attached to virtual currencies. Easily acquired malware generation kits and source code make it extremely easy to target mobile devices. Malicious apps take advantage of the Webkit plugin and gain control over application data which hands credentials, bank account, and email details over to hackers. What’s more, online banking malware is also spreading. 2014 presented ZeuS, which stole data, and VAWTRAK that hit online banking customers in Japan.

Even two-factor authentication measures that banks employ have recently been breached using schemes, such as Operation Emmental. Emmental is the real name of Swiss cheese, which of course is full of holes just like the banking systems’ security mechanisms.  Emmental uses fake mobile apps and Domain Name System (DNS) changers to launch mobile phishing attacks to get at online  banking  accounts and steal identities. Some researchers believe that cybercriminals will increasingly use such sophisticated attacks to make illegal equity front running and short selling scams.


6. Growing electronic payments tantalize attackers

Apple Pay could be a land mine just waiting to explode due to NFC’s susceptibility to hacking. Google Wallet is an example of what can happen when a malicious app is granted NFC privileges making it capable of stealing account information and money. M-commerce schemes like WeChat could be another big potential target.


E-payments are growing and with that so will the attacks on mobile devices using schemes ranging from FakeID to master key. Master key is an exploit kit similar to blackhole exploit kit that specifically targets mobile, where FakeID allows malicious apps to impersonate legitimate apps that allow access to sensitive data without triggering suspicion.

7. Health records represent a cyber-crime gold mine

Electronic Health Records (EHR) are now mandatory in the U.S. and a vast amount of personal data is being collected and stored as never before. Because information is money, thieves will go where the information is (to paraphrase Willie Sutton). Health records are considered higher value in the hacking underground than stolen credit card data. Criminals throughout both the U.S. and UK are now specializing in health record hacking. In fact, the U.S. Identity Theft Resource Center reported 720 major data breaches during 2014 with 42% of those being health records.

8. Targeted attacks increase

Targeted attacks, also known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), are very frightening due to their stealthy nature. The main differences between APTs and traditional cyber-attacks are target selection, silence, and duration of attack. According to research company APTnotes, the number of attacks by year went from 3 in 2010 to 14 in 2012 to 53 in 2014. APT targets are carefully selected, in contrast to traditional attacks that use any available corporate targets. The goal is to get in quietly and stay unnoticed for long periods of time, as seen in the famous APT attack that victimized the networking company Nortel. Chinese spyware was present on Nortel’s systems for almost ten years without being detected and drained the company of valuable intellectual property and other information. Now that’s persistent!

9. Laws and regulations try to play catch up

A number of cyber security laws are being considered in the U.S. including the National Cybersecurity Protection Act of 2014, which advocates the sharing of cybersecurity information with the private sector, provide technical assistance and incident response to companies and federal agencies.   Another one to note is the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 that is designed to better protect federal agencies from cyber-attacks. A third is the Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act of 2013 to recruit and retain cyber professionals who are in high demand. Additionally, there is the Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment Act, which aims to enhance the readiness, capacity, training, recruitment, and retention of the cybersecurity workforce. President Obama stated that wants a 30-day deadline for notices and a revised “Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights.”

One of the more interesting and intelligent recommendations came from the FDA, who issued guidelines for wireless medical device security to ensure hackers could not interfere with things such as implanted pacemakers and defibrillators. This notion was is part stimulated by worry about Dick Cheney’s pacemaker being hacked. In fact countermeasures were installed by on the device by Cheney’s surgeon. More regulation of health data and equipment is expected in 2015.

“Security — or the lack of it — will largely determine the success or failure of widespread adoption of internet-connected devices,” the FTC Commissioner recently shared in an article. The FTC also released a report entitled, “Privacy & Security in a Connected World.”

10. Hardware-based security may change the game

According to respected market researcher Gartner, all roads to the digital future lead through security. At this point, who can really argue with that statement? Manufacturers and service providers are seeing the seriousness of cyber-danger and are starting to integrate security at every connectivity level. Crypto element integrated circuits with hardware-based key storage are starting to be employed for that. Furthermore, these crypto elements are a kind of silver bullet given that they easily and instantly add the strongest type of security possible (i.e. protected hardware-based key storage) to IoT endpoints and embedded systems. This is a powerful concept whose fundamental value is only starting to be recognized.

IoT Node Chart 1

Crypto elements contain cryptographic engines to efficiently handle crypto functions such as hashing, sign-verify, ECDSA, key agreement (e.g.  ECDH), authentication (symmetric or asymmetric), encryption/decryption, message authentication coding (MAC), run crypto algorithms (e.g. elliptic curve cryptography, AES, SHA) and many other functions.

The hardware key storage plus crypto engine combination in a single device makes it simple, ultra-secure, tiny, and inexpensive to add robust security. Recent crypto element products offer ECDH for key agreement and ECDSA for authentication. Adding a device with both of these powerful capabilities to any system with a microprocessor that can run encryption algorithms (such as AES) brings all three pillars of security (confidentiality, data integrity and authentication) into play.


With security rising in significance as attack platforms increase in size and threats become more sophisticated, it is good to know that solutions are already available to ensure that digital systems are not only smart and connected, but robustly secured by hardware key storage. This could be the one of the biggest stories in security going forward.

Maker builds a 3D-printed bionic arm for under $250

Talk to the (robotic) hand!

While we’ve seen a number of 3D-printed prosthetics, and more recently a couple of Arduino-based bionic hands, one project by Nicolas Huchet has combined the two in a rather impressive manner. It all started nearly 10 years ago when Huchet’s forearm was amputated following an accident while working as a mechanical engineer. At the time, he was given a myoelectric prosthesis whose functionality was very limited. Faced with a challenge and a hunger for more mobility, Huchet decided to develop his own bionic prosthetic, The Bionico Project. His initiative aspired to increase the accessibility of prosthetic devices through the burgeoning Maker Movement, while assisting amputees to regain independence in their daily lives.


After coming across the 3D-printed, Arduino-based robot InMoov, Huchet and a team of enthusiasts from LabFab integrated a set of muscle sensors into a prosthetic prototype, which was then placed onto his arm. The artificial limb itself was extruded from a 3D printer, while equipped with actuators to move the fingers and joints, fishing line to connect the actuators to the joints, muscle sensors and a socket, batteries and of course, an Arduino Uno (ATmega328) brain.

With a little coding of the Arduino, Huchet was easily able to control the robotic hand merely through muscle impulses. The electricity produced is sent to an electronic card, which drives the motors. These motors open and close the hand, following the muscular contraction. More impressively, the entire thing was built for less than $250 — much cheaper than any commercial product on the market which can run upwards of $80,000.


“Force does not come from muscles but from mutual assistance. Unity makes us stronger. I appreciate this because I am not shaped like Sylvester Stallone,” Huchet wrote in a recent MAKE: Magazine feature. “In October 2012, while walking through Rennes, France, where I live, I passed an exhibition where strange machines, like something from science fiction, were depositing layers of material onto platforms. They were 3D printers.”

It was this sight that truly resonated with the Maker and inspired him to pursue the project. “It’s possible to design an inexpensive bionic hand that you can make yourself, then share your work so other people can improve it and share it further. I had discovered a world where we share knowledge much differently from this crazy world we are used to. I was looking at things differently; it was my revolution, my change.”


Much like the DIY movement, the Bionico Project is a true melting pot of Makers, bringing together people from all across the globe. Huchet notes that the 3D-printed digits originate from France, the muscle sensors from America, and design input from Brazil.

“I went to Italy at the Bio Robotic Institute and Maker Faire, USA, to Johns Hopkins University and to the Geek Picnic in Russia. I want to participate in worldwide research on bionic hands and share with people the many possibilities to make such products with a 3D printer, an Arduino board, cheap motors, muscle sensors and fishing lines,” Huchet revealed in a recent interview.

Currently, Bionico isn’t robust enough to be a fully-functional prosthesis; rather, still in its prototype stage, Huchet hopes to take it to the next level either through crowdfunding and/or sponsorship support.


“Above all, we want to create an international network and database devoted to improving low-cost prosthetics. This is an open-source project, which means you can participate or make it yourself. The prosthetic-hand field is very small, but if we build a bridge between countries and people, we can make it better and stronger, and go further, faster. As the American philosopher Sylvester Stallone said, ‘Big arms can move rocks, but big words can move mountains.’”

Want to learn more? You can read the entire MAKE: writeup here, while also visiting the Maker’s official webpage here.